The City Bank Limited
From 1983 till date, City Bank has been a case study in evolution, having transformed over time from a traditional organization to a critically acclaimed multi-faceted institution that embraces global best practices and chooses to be at the forefront of technological initiatives. Unlike many, the Bank’s criteria for success are not only the bottom-line numbers but also the milestones set towards becoming the most complete bank in the country.
Our History
12 young businessmen way back in 1983 set the wheel in motion
We salute the founding fathers of this institution. It was the visionary entrepreneurship of 12 young businessmen who braved the immense uncertainties with courage and zeal in order to set up the country’s first private commercial bank in 1983. They are always in our memory and we wholeheartedly pay tribute to the grand step they took toward making history. They are (from left to right) Mr. Monowar Ali, Mr. Ibrahim Mia (Late), Mr. Abdul Hadi (Late), Mr. M.A. Hashem (Late), Mr. Anwar Hossain, Mr. Abdul Barik Choudhury (Late), Mr. Deen Mohammad, Mr. A.B.M. Feroz, Mr. Md. Ali Hossain, Mr. Azizul Haque Chowdhury, Mr. N.A. Chowdhury (Late)
Published on: Monday, 29 August 2022, 07:20 pm ▪ Last update: Wednesday, 28 September 2022, 11:51 am ▪ Total View of this Page: 825